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Shido Next Innovator 2022

Kenji Kushida

"Shido Next Innovator" is a program supported by METI, put on by WiL as part of the Silicon Valley and Japan Kakehashi project announced by former PM Abe when he visited here in 2015. It brings 20 entrepreneurs and large firm employees in charge of creating new businesses to Silicon Valley for an intensive week-long bootcamp. I was delighted to provide an overview of the Silicon Valley ecosystem again. They were super motivated, especially now that the country is opening up again -- a facet of global Japan, innovative Japan that needs to be amplified and cheered on.

CIGS New Column:  Supreme Court and the deep divisions within the US

Kenji Kushida

I have a new column out from the Canon Institute for Global Strategy looking at the recent landmark US Supreme Court rulings and showing some of the contours of the deep divisions across values, world views, and other attributes within the US. I finished this just before the tragedy, just when many in Japan were scratching their heads trying to make sense of what was going on.

Link to the column ( Japanese Only)

CIGS Seminar 7/28/22

Kenji Kushida

On July 28, I was invited to give a talk in a seminar hosted by the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) in Tokyo. The talk is in Japanese and it's part of my efforts to bridge information gaps between Silicon Valley and Japan. so both sides can thrive.

The Video and the summary of the talk are available here (Japanese Only):

Opinion Paper: How to Take U.S.-Japan Innovation and Technology Cooperation to the Next Level

Kenji Kushida

My new piece from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: "How to Take US-Japan Innovation and Technology Cooperation to the Next Level"

The evolution of the U.S.-Japan security alliance into a multidomain technology and innovation pact is a welcome development for both sides. The Biden-Kishida summit highlighted many of the areas in which US-Japan cooperation can move forward.

In the policy world, there is a lot of talk about how technology cooperation is needed, but my take is that understanding specific dynamics of industry are necessary to recognize the deep levels of collaboration already occurring, and to see what is needed to take them to the next level. For example, specific conceptions of startup ecosystem components and how they work, and understanding how digital infrastructure comprised of infrastructure, platforms, and applications underlies discussions of cybersecurity or digital "trade" are critical.

Interview: Japan’s Energy Security in the Era of Climate Change

Kenji Kushida

Here is my take on some aspects of Japan's energy policy and climate change.

A great series of interviews by students at Clarement McKenna College directed by Professor Minxin Pei, who was affiliated with Carnegie a few years back. The interviewer, Kaito Komoriya, who just graduated CMC, had attended ASIJ, the international school in Tokyo I went to from K-12, at some point for a few years. Small world!

The link to the interview

Copenhagen Business School's executive education program 2022

Kenji Kushida

I was delighted to lead a session for Copenhagen Business School's executive education program during their visit to Silicon Valley. We covered the Silicon Valley ecosystem, value creation in an era of computing power abundance and AI, digital transformation, and various social challenges that the ecosystem's success brought.

Webinar: Digitally Transforming Japan

Kenji Kushida

The first in our J-SV series, "Digitally Transforming Japan: Creating Value in a Global Cloud Era." It covered some of the main points raised by a wide range of panelists from government, private sector entrepreneurs, large firms, research institutes, policy advisors, and a previous mayor.

Future Insight Seminar: New Value Creation, Silicon Valley

Kenji Kushida

On March 30, 2022, I gave a talk to a Japanese audience about expanding business to Asia. I provided some of the main points from various talks I gave on value-creation in Silicon Valley, and the challenges and missteps that Japanese companies tend to make when trying to harness the SV ecosystem, since the same challenges often occur for Japanese firms expanding abroad elsewhere as well. Future is an IT consulting company, and it has begun helping companies with their Asia expansion.

JMA Garage: Transforming Value Creation - Tesla and Hongguang Mini EV Disrupting the Automobile Industry

Kenji Kushida

I was invited to give a talk at a webinar hosted by Japan Management Association (JMA) this Friday (Japan time) about value creation, Tesla, electric vehicles, energy systems, dominant designs, and mechanisms of technology diffusion. I had the pleasure of having a great discussion with Manji Suzuki, who was posted in Silicon Valley from Denso, and has deep insights into China's EV industry and the auto sector's looming disruption.

Carnegie webinar: Silicon Valley-Japan Collaborations as a Pillar of U.S.-Japan Relations

Kenji Kushida

This is the first panel of the Carnegie Endowment's new Japan programming featuring Gen Isayama and Aki Tabata to discuss how Silicon Valley - Japan collaborations should be considered a core pillar of US-Japan relations. Given the global situation, a spotlight on understanding the nature of deep economic ties between an important security alliance is more important than ever.

Video is available here:

Panel: Biotechnology Entrepreneurship in Japan's New Startup Ecosystem

Kenji Kushida

Monday, February 7, I had moderated a panel featuring two incredible Japanese biotech entrepreneurs, Tadahisa Kagimoto and Shoko Takahashi. We discussed a wide range of topics, including Japan's biotech scene, Japan's rapidly maturing startup ecosystem, and new frontiers in university-industry ties. Thanks to Kiyoteru Tsutsui and Stanford's APARC Japan program for inviting me and hosting the panel.

(English/translator version)
(Japanese/original version)


Kenji Kushida

On February 3, 2021( Japan Time), I was invited to JMA GARAGE CONFERENCE 2021 -Gear Change for the future-, an online conference hosted by JMA( Japan Management Association).

I delivered a talk entitled: Silicon Valley Way of Value Creation- The impact of Tesla, unknown in Japan-

Click here for the introduction of the seminar( Japanese only)


Kenji Kushida

On October 22, 2021 ( Japan Time), I was invited to X-HUB TOKYO, an online seminar series hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

I delivered a talk entitled: The Essence of the Silicon Valley Ecosystem

Click here for more details about the seminar series ( English / Japanese)

JETRO Online Seminar: Talk session with Aki-Chen Jiang

Kenji Kushida

On September 9, 2021 (Pacific Time) I moderated a talk session in the JETRO Online Seminar: The U.S. Innovation Ecosystem from the Perspective of the Next Generation. Aki-Chen Jiang, Investor at WiL, was invited as a speaker.

From the view of a next-generation investor, she shared the latest business trends in Silicon Valley and how these trends would impact the Japanese economy and firms in the future.


Kenji Kushida

On February 18, 2021( Japan Time), I gave a presentation entitled: Silicon Valley-Style DX, Shocking Facts about Tesla, and Developing Innovative Human Resources.

I discussed how companies in Silicon Valley are creating values and dealing with DX, featuring shocking facts about Tesla as an example.

Also, I pointed out the importance of open innovation and developing innovative human resources in pandemics.

This webinar was hosted by Ishin USA and sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco.

The video of this webinar is available upon request.

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Kenji Kushida

On February 3, 2021( Japan Time), I was invited to JMA GARAGE, an online conference hosted by JMA( Japan Management Association).

I delivered a talk entitled: Silicon Valley Way of Value Creation, Organizational Reform, and DX - Facts about Tesla that have not been known in Japan-

Click here for the introduction of the seminar( Japanese only)

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Webinar: The future of social design, from the view of researchers in the United States and France

Kenji Kushida

On January 20, 2021 (Japan Time), I was invited to Dentsu Institute SSX Webinar: The future of social design, from the view of researchers in the United States and France.
I gave a talk entitled “The crisis of political strategy and democracy between institutional design and implementation in American politics” and participated in a panel alongside Professor Yukio Koriyama from Ecole Polytechnique in France.